Friday, November 23, 2007

Youth leaders training weekend in Durres

On Friday afternoon the participants came to the CEF building in Durres. 35 Youth leaders and workers from all over Albania with one goal to learn more about the youth culture, about how to support teens and youth in there youthgroup en in the church, so that they can grow closer to God. It was great to see how hungry they all where to learn more.
We listen to Peter Magnuson from sweden who spoke over youth work in general and the generation teens and youth of today, The youth leader as a person, and some serius subjects like: Selfimage, Occultism and Sex. Robert Weelish spoke about working in a team of youth leaders, and creating a creative youth ministry. Elize Boersma spoke about how to create an effective youth program.
On Sunday all participants left very encouraged.
It was worth all the hard work!

Team game

durring the breaks

Peter is teaching

Discussing in Small groups

Team work