Thursday, March 29, 2007

TiM in Burrel 2006

Teens in Missions? In Burrel.

Sunday morning at 5.00 we left Lushnje. The only 2 teenagers that went with Elize where Huub and Cokkie :). That morning Elize preached in the church of Burrel. The program of that week was most of the morning time filled with teenager seminars in the morning and late in the afternoon’s sports or creative program. In the afternoon the teenagers could take their friends to be there too.
Two times we had a prayer-walk together with the teenagers. Once we asked children on the street to come in the afternoon for a program in the afternoon. Then we had several games and we told them the gospel.
During the week there was one girl from Greece that came every morning and afternoon. At first she was very closed but later on she was more open and asked lots of things about Christ.
On Thursday we went on a camp of their church and a few people from a church in Lezh. We stayed there for one night. We had one open air service in the morning. When we drove back to Burrel the next day we stopped at a mechanic to check the car. The mechanic told us that a part of the car was almost burning. When he fixed the car, he needed one piece that is difficult to get in Burrel and guess what, only that piece they had found. God protects and provides! Thank you God!
Because somebody died in the Village Bater where we would do several programs somebody died. For that reason we could not do the children’s program. Although that we went to Bater to visit some families. We had the opportunity to share the gospel and that was great.
During the weekend we were able to help the pastor to prepare devotions for a teenager camp.
On Sunday Huub could preach in the church. On Sunday and Monday afternoon we visited people from church. Monday morning we had our last meeting with the teenagers and said goodbye to them. In the evening a few came back to say goodbye. Very special was that the girl from Greece was not there during the weekend but she even came to say goodbye.

Although our schedule changed a lot, it was good to be there to support the local church and to encourage the teenagers.

Huub and Cokkie.

This year Teens in Missions went totally different than I expected. Also because we did not have participants who where teenagers. Although that we went to be a blessing to the teenagers and the youth of the Burrel church. The theme of the week was: Gods calling upon your life. Every morning we had a seminar and a lot of the youth of the church came. We talked about: Gods calling upon your live, quiet time, prayer, discipline, who I am in Christ, Being a servant of Christ. After every seminar they talked about how they could apply it in their own live and we prayed for one an other.
In the afternoon we had some sport activities to build up friendships. We went for one night camping with the youth of the church. This was a very good time.
Although we did not reach totally the goal of Teens in Mission we saw that God worked it out for the good. So was the mother of the family that also cooked for us a little sick and could not handle big groups. For Huub and Cokkie, who went with me, it was a good experience to stay in an Albanian family and be in contact with a lot of Albanian youth.

Elize Boersma

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